OPENING HOURS: MON-FRI: 8:00-17:00, SAT: 9:00-15:00


Please be aware Lymden Lane is ICY take care.

We are now operating as usual after the fire on site. Please be aware some areas of the yard are sectioned off.

Please proceed with caution when around these areas.
We also buy reclaimed building materials

5 3/4 inch rustic re-sawn pine floorboards

STOCK REF: 146222363

This batch of 5 3/4 inch pine boards has been reduced in price as the boards contain more noches nail marks and deficiencies in the boards. They are still suitable for flooring however will need more work to bring them up to standard. These floor boards have been machined out of Victorian joists. They have been machined to have straight edges to make laying the boards as easy as possible. The boards have a lovely tight grain that you would expect from Victorian Pine

Size – 145 x 18 mm, 5 3/4 x 3/4 inches, random length

Cost – £25 per square metre + VAT

It is important to understand that these boards are machined from old Victorian joists. The joists are typically sourced from Victorian mills in the north of England. In most cases the joists have had floorboards nailed to them and you will find grooves in the boards where the nails have been removed. We think this adds character to what is a reclaimed product and once waxed, stained or varnished to your taste the boards will have the look and character of an original Victorian pine floorboard.

Occasionally you will find notches in the boards where electrical wires or plumbing pipes have been fed through the original joist. We try and keep these to a minimum, but if they do occur they can easily be cut out with the minimum of waste.

If you want to ask any questions about this product or any other items we have in stock, then please call us at Authentic Reclamation on 01580 201258. Feel free to come and visit our yard in East Sussex and have a browse through our stock. Staff are always available to give you a hand and show you around our stock.

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