Beautiful T&G Kiln Dried Rustic Oak Floorboards
STOCK REF: 146243781Beautiful T&G Kiln Dried Rustic Oak Floorboads
These Beautiful T&G Kiln Dried Rustic Oak Floorboards in stock, available and on display in our floorboard shed at Authentic Reclamation.
Are tongued and grooved on all 4 sides of the board to achieve the neatest joint between boards, this also means there is little to no waste as the boards don’t have to be joined on a joist. The boards also have grooves in the back to allow for movement. The boards look stunning once laid and waxed.
Size approx – 290 mm wide x 21 mm thick
Cost – £95 + VAT Per meter Square
If this batch of oak floorboards are an item of interest for you then please don’t hesitate to call us on 01580201258. The numbers vary but we usually have a large quantity of oak floorboards unless stated otherwise.
If these particular boards aren’t quite what you’re after then don’t fret! We have a large range of Wooden Flooring in stock here at Authentic Reclamation. You can also head on down to take a look at our stock.
We’re based in Stonegate, East Sussex, TN5 7EF. A member of our team will be available during our opening hours.
They will be happy to help or at the very least point you in the right direction!