Curved Rustic Oak Beam
STOCK REF: 146231622Curved Rustic Oak Beam
Curved Rustic Oak Beam is in stock and on display in the reclaimed oak beam section of our yard. This lovely solid oak beam is in good condition and has tonnes of character. Would make a lovely feature in someones house, perhaps as a mantle piece. Please note these beams are almost 200 years old so widths and depth do vary.
Size approx: 6′ x 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″
Price: £45 + VAT
If this Reclaimed Oak Beam is an item that interests you then please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Authentic Reclamation on 01580201258. Better yet, you can head down to our yard. We’re based in Stonegate, East Sussex, TN5 7EF. If this beam isn’t right for you then don’t fret! We have a wide range of reclaimed oak beams in stock and on diplay across our yard. So make a day of it and pay us visit, you may just fall in love with one of our unique artifacts we have in stock!